Pew Pew Pew 2

Pew Pew Pew 2

UPDATE: February 16, 2024

PewPewPew 2 Supporter Edition

The app is officially released today, version 1.0, pending Google’s review.

The Supporter Edition is the paid version of the app which removes the ads, grants access to a limited ‘Options’ menu, and helps me buy more coffee.

Unfortunately, since the Google Ads ID exists within the app manifest (only enabled for the free version), I had to declare it’s existence, which I’m afraid may mark it as “contains in-app ads.”

Those the ADs ID is present, it’s disabled on the full version. It was much easier to code a bool variable at the beginning of the main code block, to build either version.

Aside from that, I’m excited to be able to post this release.

UPDATE: November 18, 2023
The app is very nearly finished and the link is available on the right to download it from the Google Store.

This app is not really a sequel, but more a redo of the original Pew Pew Pew game.

The original Pew Pew Pew game was created for a school project using MIT AppInventor. A very fantastic tool for understanding the concepts of programming, but not a fully realized development environment and not intended to be. As a result, the inherent limitations of using such a tool to create a game are obvious in the Pew Pew Pew app.

I had always intended to come back to Pew Pew Pew and make it more of what I wanted it to be, if I the right tools (a fully realized development environment, in this case C# and Unity), and the time (not limited by a project deadline).

After graduating, settling into a new career, and beginning to take on C# programming, I began stretch out into using Unity since it is so cohesive with Visual Studio and C#.

I’m still learning quite a bit, and I am completely an amateur in using these tools. I’ve been able to overcome most roadblocks along the way by extensive Google searches leading to videos, or forums with others asking the same question. My boss at work has also been invaluable. When all else fails, I show it to him, and after a little investigation, he’s quick to offer a solution.

When the intention of creating all the assets myself, I drew the ships, and the lasers. It was my first time actually drawing ‘digitally,’ so they are basic, but they also fit for a retro style game like this.

The only assets I did not create are a few of the explosion sounds I sourced from a royalty-free sound archive, and another certain sound byte I paid for so I could use it in the game.

With all that in mind, I thank you for trying out Pew Pew Pew 2.

Once it is published, I will provide a link.